11 Kitchen Hacks Every Cook Should Know

Removing a piece of eggshell

This is one of those hacks that appeared too wonderful to be true, so I assumed it wouldn’t work. I was mistaken!

Simply scoop up those bothersome small shards with a larger piece of eggshell. It seems magical.

Skin a kiwi with a spoon.

When your kiwi is ripe, this trick performs best (not rock hard).

Cut the ends of a kiwi first. Run a spoon around the kiwi by slipping it beneath the skin and keeping it as close to the skin as you can without piercing it.

Maintain white potatoes

Before cooking, cover potatoes in cold water if they are chopped or shredded to stop the potatoes from oxidizing and developing that disgusting grayish/brown color.

Delay the decaying

To prevent tomatoes from deteriorating as soon, store them from stem end down. This keeps moisture inside and the air outside of the scar left by the tomato’s former attachment to the vine. Oh, and the recommendation to never keep a tomato in the refrigerator? Debunked! According to recent research, the taste and juiciness of tomatoes were not significantly impacted by whether they were stored on a countertop or in a refrigerator.

Give bananas more time to mature

Wrapping the bunch’s end with plastic wrap will help keep the bananas fresher for longer. Separate each banana, if possible. Both strategies prevent ethylene gases from escaping from the stem, causing the fruit to mature too quickly.

Hasten to ripen

Using a paper bag, you may transform a banana from green to yellow or a peach from crunchy to luscious. Concentrated ethylene gas in the bag helps fruit mature more quickly after being placed inside. Keep chopped fruit from oxidizing.

Apple slices can appear appealing if a little lemon juice is added, as you’ve probably heard. Similar results can be obtained by mixing 1 part honey with 2 parts water to prevent the fruit from browning.

Ever ponder why this is effective? The oxidation process that results in discoloration is slowed down by the citric acid, vitamin C, and protein in lemon juice as well as honey.

Prevent the hardening of brown sugar

The worst is when you attempt to prepare cookies and discover that your brown sugar has crystallized into crunchy chunks (or a single rock-hard candy mountain). Put some orange peel or an apple slice in an airtight jar with the brown sugar to keep it moist and scoopable. Alternatively, you can quickly repair the problem by microwaving brown sugar with a tiny glass of water. The block of sugar will be broken up with the help of the moisture the water discharged into the microwave.

Never again wrestle with eggshell fragments

Nobody likes cake or brownies with crunchy bits in them. However, trying to fish out an eggshell fragment that has rolled into the batter can become a fruitless endeavor because it evades your grasp like a cunning tadpole. We have two options. Simply moisten your fingertips and reach inside for starters. (Simple, but it’s effective!)

Use half of your previously cracked egg to pick up shards of shattered eggshells for a cleaner solution. Without wasting too much egg, the shell functions as a magnet to attract shell bits.

Take out the pomegranate seeds (without dying your hands red)

Pomegranate arils are so finicky to remove that it almost makes you decide not to eat these wonderful, antioxidant-rich fruits. Simplify the procedure by slicing a shallow circular cone into the pomegranate’s bloom end, then cutting off the bottom (the opposite side).To uncover the seeds, score the fruit along its ridges and pry apart each chunk.

Stop letting onions make you cry

Before slicing, freeze this flavorful vegetable to prevent onion tears. (Note: This approach only works if you intend to sauté the onions afterward; otherwise, the raw chunks would become a little mushy once the onion thaws.Added choices? To protect your eyes as you chop, fasten your swimming goggles. Another option is to place a piece of bread in your mouth that is half protruding to absorb the irritating gas before it hits your eyes, which will make you seem insane when your flatmate walks in.

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