8 New Cooking Trends That Are Going to Be Huge in 2023

The food industry is expanding, thus restaurateurs must be careful not to go out of touch! A roller coaster has been the only way to describe the last two years. The COVID-19 epidemic upended a lot of conventions and made life more difficult for everyone. But it also gave people the chance to get back in touch with their kitchens and discover new flavors and concepts. Due to the ever-changing loop of dynamic tastebuds, food trends come and go.

Foods made from plants are in the lead.

People are already starting to eat less meat and switch to a diet that emphasizes plants. The number of people who identify as “vegan” has grown by 600% over the last three years. The largest generation of living adults, the Millennials, is driving this trend. They are more aware of the impact eating meat has on the environment and the treatment of animals in the process. Restaurant owners need to start adding creative plant-based, vegan choices to their menus to keep up with this rising trend. This new herbivorous society was first introduced to early breakthroughs including plant-based milk, vegan cheeses, and plant-based meat.

In the ring comes Potato Milk.

Dairy milk was the only type of milk mentioned for many years. As time went on, individuals started looking for different options. At this point, soy milk, almond milk, and oat milk all entered the picture. The vegan, lactose intolerant, and anybody else avoiding dairy was warmly welcomed by these three varieties of milk. But according to the National News, the plant-based substitute that will soon steal the show is potato milk. It is well renowned for having a reduced fat and sugar content, being cholesterol-free, being simpler to make, and reportedly not even tasting like potatoes!

Drinks and beers without alcohol

People weren’t immersed in alcohol 24 hours a day anymore. Drinking patterns are beginning to shift. Many alcoholics reduced their alcohol use throughout the pandemic. The health risks of excessive alcohol use are starting to become more clear to Millennials and Generation Z, who have started to drink less mindlessly. Alcohol-free beer and cocktail sales are steadily increasing, with no signs of slowing down. To keep up with the expanding trend, breweries are always experimenting with new alcohol-free beers. Some eyes would undoubtedly be pleased to see alcohol-free beers and drinks on restaurant menus.

Food Trends of 2023 | Top 22 Trends | Cozymeal

Cooking with no trash is now the norm.

There is no doubt that restaurants squander a lot of food. Being an eco-friendly restaurant, though, can alter that. An estimated 22 to 33 billion pounds of food are wasted annually in US eateries. This is mainly because not all ingredients are used in full when a meal is prepared. It’s not a good idea to be throwing food away when both natural resources and food supplies are already under pressure. Due to this, the rate of leaf-to-root cooking is increasing.

Sample of Yuzu

A ubiquitous Asian fruit in China, Japan, and Korea is the yuzu. Google searches for Yuzu increased by 49% in 2021, reports Food & Beverage Insider. More Americans than ever are gushing about its amazing zesty flavor. Yuzu has also been utilized in ice cream, cake mixes, and chicken breast nibbles as the main flavor ingredient.

There will always be cold-brew coffee.

Despite being around for a while, cold brew coffee hasn’t lost any of its appeals. One of the most delectable, flavorsome, and rich varieties of coffee on the market is cold brew. Due to its straightforward brewing process and excellent flavor, it is a trend that will last for years to come. Statista estimates that to satisfy consumer demand, the cold brew coffee industry will continue to grow in size. Therefore, it’s time to include many Cold Brew Coffee variations on your Digital Menu.

“Keto,” a never-ending fad in food?


Millions of people appear to still follow this 1920s-invented eating plan all across world.

Exactly what is a Keto diet?

It is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has gained popularity as a means of controlling weight. Along with promising weight loss, the Keto diet also claims to reduce blood sugar and have a host of other advantages for those with cancer and heart disease. To see results, people on the keto diet must stay away from baked goods, chips, and foods with a lot of sugar. Even while this diet is touted as a way to improve health, other experts disagree, noting that it might occasionally be too harsh. Putting differences of view aside, it is expected that by 2027, the global market for this food will be worth $15.6 billion. 

Mad About Mushrooms

Mushrooms were named the “ingredient of the Year” for 2022 by The New York Times. They provide numerous health advantages and are the major ingredient in many people’s favorite cuisines, including pasta, pizza, and even sweets. In the upcoming years, it is expected that mushroom consumption will increase even more. Therefore, restaurants should stock up!

Restaurants may increase sales and profitability while also satisfying their consumers by taking note of these trendy cuisine trends. $15.6 billion in total value by 2027. Restaurants can use this chance to try new things and develop meals that work with this diet.

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