
The rich and delicious mushroom soup is incredibly satisfying to enjoy at any time of the year. A delicious soup recipe prepared in just one pot, and ready to be made even on a busy night in just 30 minutes. Here you will find step-by-step instructions and video tutorials for making my delicious, creamy, absolutely delicious mushroom soup from scratch.

As a family, we love soups. No matter how cold or hot outside it is, there are plenty of awesome and delicious soup recipes suitable for any weather! Our few year-round favorites include Tomato Soup and Sweet Corn Soup.

Today here we are sharing with you another old recipe for our favorite homemade soup, mushroom soup cream. This natural vegetarian dish is hearty, rich, and full of deep umami flavor. It is great to be filled with fresh herbs and used as part of a great meal!

My creamy mushroom soup is a one-pot recipe, too. Button mushrooms are ground into onions and garlic and then mixed with flour and butter to form a thick roux. Vegetable (or water!) Is poured into the same pot, and milk and cream are added to the whole cream.

The soup is ready in just 30 minutes, including the preparation time. Try this healthy, delicious, quick, and easy dinner recipe as part of your weekly meal plan!

Step by step guide

How to Make Mushroom Soup

Prep Ingredients

  1. First, measure and set all the ingredients for the soup (mise en place). the mushroom soup ingredients are placed in containers.
  1. Wash or dry 200 to 250 grams (about 1 cup) of white button mushrooms or cream creams. The lower part of the stem base for each mushroom. Then cut them in half or quarters, or cut them into small pieces. button mushrooms prepped and chopped in a white bowl

Make a base for mushroom soup

  1. Next, heat a heavy pan or pan over low to medium heat. Melt 2 tablespoons butter (salted or unsalted) in a pan. Butter in a pot
  2. When the butter is almost melted add the bay leaf or tej patta (Indian bay leaf). Keep the temperature low and be careful not to overheat the butter.

Bay leaf to cook butter in a large pot

  1. Stir until bay leaf smells good, about 2 to 3 seconds only.

sautéing bay leaf in butter

  1. Add ⅓ cups of finely chopped onion (about one onion small to medium size) and ½ teaspoon of finely chopped or finely chopped garlic (2 to 3 small, medium cloves).

chopped onion, garlic, and bay leaf in a pot

  1. Mix and stir.


  1. Grease until onions are soft and light.

onions tend to pot

Cook Mushrooms

  1. Put sliced ​​or chopped mushrooms in a pot.

chopped button mushrooms in a pot

  1. Mix again. You will see mushrooms release water after a few minutes.

mushrooms and water in a pot

  1. Continue to fry as brown mushrooms.

minced mushrooms in a pot

  1. Continue to boil until all the water has dried in the pan. Then add 1 teaspoon of wheat flour or whole-grain flour.

A mound of flour on mushrooms

  1. Simmer for 3 to 4 minutes on low heat as you stir. You should not be able to smell raw flour after a minute or two.

sauteeing mushrooms to make a roux

  1. Then add freshly ground black pepper or ground pepper to taste. Mix well.

Black pepper to mushrooms

Make a creamy mushroom soup

  1. Now add one cup of water or stock of vegetables or stock of mushrooms.

add water to the pot with mushrooms

  1. Mix and blend well.

water mixed with mushrooms

  1. Add 1 cup of whole milk (full fat).

TIP: Milk should be at room temperature when added.

Adding milk to the pot

  1. Mix very well.

milk mixed with mushroom roux

  1. Add salt to taste and mix again. If you use vegetable or mushroom stock instead of water, you will probably need a small amount of extra salt, if any.

adding salt to the pot

  1. Add the mushroom soup cream over medium heat. Stir frequently; will start barking as in the picture below.

boil mushroom soup in a pot

  1. The soup will also start to thicken. Continue to boil the mushroom soup for another 4 to 5 minutes.

As you cook the soup it will become more sticky. Rub regularly so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

mushroom soup in a pot

  1. Then add 6 tablespoons light cream or cooking cream or low-fat cream (approximately 25% to 30% fat) or 3 tablespoons hard cream or cream. You can also add 7 to 8 and a half teaspoons.

add heavy cream

  1. Stir and mix well.

cream mixed with mushroom soup with a wooden spoon

  1. Add 1 teaspoon chopped parsley or coriander leaves (cilantro) and any fresh herbs you like.

cream of mushroom soup with chopped parsley

  1. Sprinkle mushroom soup cream for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring frequently.

cream mushroom soup in a pot

  1. Finally, sprinkle a pinch of 1 to 2 nutmeg or ground nutmeg and roll. Nutmeg gives off a delicious aroma but can be skipped if you do not have it.

mushroom soup sprinkled with ground nutmeg

  1. Turn off the heat and pour the mushroom soup into each serving bowl. Serve hot mushroom soup garnished with freshly picked parsley or coriander leaves.

What to serve with mushroom soup:

Creamy mushroom soup is delicious to enjoy with a hearty sandwich or a slice of crumbly bread, such as crostini or bruschetta.

It is a good start to serve pre-pasta or risotto or pilaf courses. And it fits well as a side dish with almost any entree!

Have a bowl of this comforting soup as its main dish, and serve it with a fresh side salad or vegetable.

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