How to Use Ayurveda’s Top Skin Tips to Achieve Glowing Skin

Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

Stimulating our digestive fire first thing in the morning helps the body prepare to appropriately remove and digest throughout the day. Warm water with lemon boosts our agni first thing in the morning, cleanses the blood and liver, and keeps us hydrated throughout the day. A healthy digestive system and adequate hydration promote healthy, bright skin. Warm 8oz of water with a squeeze of lemon as you wake up. Take a sip and relax.


Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic full-body massage using heated oil. It aids in good detoxification by balancing the doshas, promoting skin brightness, and supporting the lymphatic system. Abhyanga is a technique that involves massaging warm oil into the body in long strokes toward the heart for 15-20 minutes. The oil used will differ depending on your dosha; learn more about the oil to use for your constitution here. It is time to nourish and connect with yourself and your body, as well as improve skin texture, tone, and shine. After that, take a warm shower to rinse off the oil and avoid using too much soap. Dry off and enjoy your self-massage’s nutritious and soothing effects.

Scrub with Chickpeas

Chickpea flour has long been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for skin health. Chickpea flour aids in detoxifying, circulation improvement, and light exfoliation. It is particularly effective for washing and exfoliating greasy, Kapha-like skin. Chickpea flour can be used alone as a light exfoliating cleanser, or it can be combined with other powdered herbs like licorice, neem, or rose for extra benefits. Dampen your face and gently massage the flour into your skin for a few moments before rinsing and drying. To avoid over-drying, apply a nutritious face oil or moisturizer afterward.

Eat Fresh Foods

What we eat has a direct impact on the health and radiance of our skin. The more prana, or life force, rich meals we can ingest, the better. For best digestion, prioritize eating fresh and lightly cooked vegetables and fruits. Try including leafy greens or vegetables in the majority of your daily meals. Stale, frozen, or overdone foods have a lower life force and are less easily digested by the body. Food that is easy to digest and high in nutrients nourishes the body from the inside out and promotes glowing skin.

Herbs that help the liver

Toxins are removed and eliminated by the liver so that they do not circulate throughout the remainder of our bodies. When it comes to skin health, our liver’s health is crucial. Toxin accumulation can cause breakouts, skin redness, inflammation, and other skin concerns if we are not sufficiently detoxifying and metabolizing what enters our bodies.

Herbs are a fantastic way to enhance our liver’s health. Kutki has a powerful cleansing effect on the liver and gallbladder, promoting good liver function. When taken daily, other herbs such as Guduchi, turmeric, and Triphala are extremely beneficial in cleansing and strengthening the liver. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner for advice on dosage and which herbs are best for you.

Incompatible Foods Should Not Be Mixed

Food is a form of medicine. However, if taken in the wrong combination, it can become poisonous. To protect your skin and health, avoid the following incompatible foods:

Yes, milk and fruit. Even if you enjoy a bowl of yogurt with fruit, avoid it. Fruits digest quickly, however, milk takes time to digest. As a result, the fruit curdles the milk and causes acidity during the processing time.

Milk And Meat: If you eat fish or meat, avoid milk products (even desserts). Fish warms your body while milk cools it. Combining these opposing meals clogs vital bodily passageways.

Drinking Iced or Cold Drinks After Meals: Avoid drinking iced or cold drinks after meals. This is because the cold slows the digestive juices and produces stomach problems. This also applies to frozen yogurt and ice cream consumed after (or before) meals.

Ghee and honey: When consumed combined, they react with the digestive acids in the body, producing harmful byproducts that have been linked to rheumatic, neurological, and dermatological ailments.

Vegetables with a high water content should be consumed

Water-rich vegetables can be easily digested. Carrots, radishes, lettuce, asparagus, fennel tips, and cucumber are all beneficial to all skin types. These are considered purifiers. Cook them or dice them and toss them in a salad. To maintain your skin healthy, include at least 3-5 vegetables in any form.

Consume Tea

It is critical to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of water and herbal tea in between. To keep your digestion healthy, make tea with herbs like chamomile, ginger, or lemon and drink it in the afternoon. A healthy digestive system is also essential for radiant skin.


It is not only excellent for your heart and lungs, but it is also essential for beautiful and shining skin. Exercise increases blood circulation and regulates skin metabolism, keeping it young and healthy. This helps your skin glow from the inside out.

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