Kitchen garments

Ordinary kitchen towels used for many activities could put your family at risk of food poisoning, say, researchers.

Findings have shown that towels used to dry dishes, dry hands, hold hot dishes, wipe / clean areas, have a high number of germs.

Coliforms (Escherichia coli) were found high with damp towels, multi-functional towels, and towels from non-vegetarian families.

The presence of these potential infections in kitchen towels indicates that they could contribute to kitchen infections and could lead to food poisoning, researchers said.

“Our research shows that family composition and kitchen hygiene habits affect the microbial load of kitchen towels. “We have also found that food, the type used, and the damp kitchen towels can be very important in promoting the growth of germs that can cause food poisoning,” he added.

In addition, S. aureus was categorized by a high number of low-income families and those with children.

Coliform and S. aureus are found in the highest prevalence from non-vegetarian families.

Escherichia coli is a common plant in the human intestine and is released in large quantities in human waste. The presence of Escherichia coli suggests possible contamination of the sewage and a lack of hygiene practices.

“Data has shown that unclean habits while handling non-vegetarian foods may be common in the kitchen.

In a study, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Georgia, the team collected 100 kitchen towels after one month of use.

Of these 49 percent had bacterial growth that increased in number and extended family, presence in children, and increased family size.

Of these 49 samples showed bacterial growth, 36.7 percent coliform growth, 36.7 percent Enterococcus spp and 14.3 percent S. aureus.

Damp towels and excessive use of kitchen towels should be avoided. Large families with children and elderly members should be especially careful about cleanliness in the kitchen.

How dirty kitchen towel contributes to food poisoning

Dirty kitchen towels can help grow germs and cause food poisoning, according to a new study conducted by the University of Mauritius. Research has also shown that factors such as family size, diet, and excessive use of towels, among other things, contribute to the growth of bacteria in kitchen towels, which can cause food poisoning.

“Our research shows that family composition and kitchen hygiene habits affect the microbial load of kitchen towels. “We also found that food, the type of use, and damp kitchen towels may be very important in promoting the growth of potential pathogens.

49% of kitchen towels collected in the study had an increase in bacterial growth and increased family size, presence of children, and increased family size. Multi-purpose use towels (wipers, dry hands, hot dish holders, wipes/cleaners) have a higher bacterial population than used towels as well as damp towels that show higher germs than dry ones.

Of the 49 samples that had a positive effect on bacterial growth, 36.7% increased coliform, 36.7% Enterococcus spp, and 14.3% S. aureus. 100 kitchen towels were collected after one month of use. Researchers have developed viruses and identified them by routine biochemical experiments. They also cut a load of bacteria on the towels.

49% of kitchen towels collected in the study had an increase in bacterial growth and increased family size, presence of children, and increased family size.

49% of kitchen towels collected in the study had an increase in bacterial growth and increased family size, presence of children, and increased family size.

  1. aureus was highly segregated in low-income families and those with children. The risk of having coliforms (Escherichia coli) was higher from damp towels than dry, from work towels than those used, and for families eating non-vegetarian foods. Coliform and S. aureus are found in the highest prevalence from non-vegetarian families. Escherichia coli is a common plant in the human intestine and is released in large quantities in human waste. The presence of Escherichia coli indicates possible contamination of the sewage and lack of hygiene practices. “Data has shown that unclean habits while handling non-vegetarian food can be common in the kitchen.

The presence of possible diseases from kitchen towels indicates that they may be responsible for contamination in the kitchen and may lead to food poisoning. “Wet towels and the use of kitchen towels in many ways should be avoided. Large families with children and elderly members should be especially careful about the cleanliness of the kitchen.

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