cow and buffalo

There isn’t any doubt that milk is really nutritious. It is a very good source of calcium, which is essential for strong teeth and bones. Doctors suggested drinking milk every day in order to stay fit and healthy. But when you have to make a choice between buffalo, goat and cow milk, which one is better? Well, all three types of milk products have their own positives. So, let’s see what is the refine difference between them.

Goat milk offers a wide variety of health gain such as less allergenic, better digestibility, and more alkalinity. Goat milk also has medicinal, antioxidant, and antimicrobial property. Goat milk carries a pro-vitamin A (higher carotene) having cancer-prevention properties. It is also useful in the therapy of ulcers due to its more impactful acid buffering capacity. Goat milk has a strong taste due to the salvation of short-chain fatty acids during irregular handling. Unlike cow milk, which is slightly acidic, goat milk is alkaline in nature, which is very useful for individuals with acidity issues.


Goat milk is more digestible because of its less lactose, uniform protein, and fat distribution. Modified goat milk can also be utilized in baby feeding. It provides a balanced and a healthy diet for the kids who are sensitive to cow milk, as the features may dissolve with goat milk consumption. Particularly during lactation, there are significant changes in the composition and amount of goat milk. Various symptoms are lessen due to protein allergy, inability to digest lactose by taking goat’s milk.


Fat content is dependable for the thickness of the milk. Cow milk carries a lesser amount of fat in comparison to buffalo milk. That is why buffalo milk is heavy than cow milk. Buffalo milk has about 7-8 percent while Cow milk has 3-4 percent of fat. Buffalo milk is thicker, so it takes time to assimilate and keeps you fuller for a longer time period.



Water is essential for every human and so if you need to enlarge your water intake then opt for cow milk benefits. Round about 90 percent of cow milk is water and is good to keep you hydrated.


Buffalo milk carry 11-10 percent more protein than cow milk. It is more heat resistant. Due to the quantity of protein in it, buffalo milk is not suggested for older people and infants.


Even the cholesterol level is unique in both kind of milk. Buffalo milk carry a low amount of cholesterol, which makes it an intelligent choice for human suffering from diseases like obesity, kidney, hypertension issues, and PCOD.


Buffalo milk consists of more calories as it is high in fat and protein. 1 cup of buffalo milk consists 237 calories, while 1 cup of cow milk consists 148 calories.


Buffalo milk can be protected for a longer time period in comparison to cow milk. This is because buffalo milk has a higher per oxidase thing, which is a type of enzyme. Cow milk must be ingested within 1-2 days.


Buffalo milk is creamy white while Cow milk is yellowish-white in colour. In buffalo milk beta- carotene colorant gets transformed to colourless Vitamin- A, which makes it pretty less yellowish than cow milk. This thing takes place in cow milk as well, but in lesser quantity.


All three types of milk are great for health and have their own health gains. So, what to consume depends to your preference. Just make certain that milk is chunk of your daily diet.

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